I've had to send these URL's to so many people so many times, I'm making them available here.

Here are some places to check to see if what that e-mail you just got is talking about is real or a hoax.
(Deodorants do not cause breast cancer, and nobody's putting needles on gas station pump handles.)

BIG HINT: if it went to everybody in the world before you, or you should "send it to everybody you know!!!", odds are it's a hoax. If it sounds real but there's a little warning bell going off in the back of your head, check here.

Gullibility Virus Warning   :)

non-virus hoaxes

- Datafellows.com - "the industry standard for hoax warnings" [um - but a search doesn't turn up some of the rather common ones...]
- HoaxBusters
    other hoax pages
- HoaxKill
- Stiller
- Urban Legends Archive
- Urban Legends (miningco)
- Urban Legends Reference Pages (Snopes)   <--- good place to start

virus/security hoaxes

- Datafellows.com - "the industry standard for hoax warnings" [um - but a search doesn't turn up some of the rather common ones...]
- Computer Virus Myths
- Stiller
- Virus Hoaxes
- Vmyths.com